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Top 5 books on cloud computing

Storing data at scale is critical to the success of enterprises in today’s data-driven, hyper-competitive business market. Understanding the need to manage unstructured data–the kind that accounts for 80% of today’s data–and how your business can easily control the data growth to hundreds of petabytes, exabytes and beyond starts with understanding cloud computing. Scality has selected some of the best reading sources to help you make the right choice for your future.

Architecting the Cloud

Design Decisions for Cloud Computing Service Models

by Michael J. Kavis
The book takes you through a roadmap and foundational concepts about how to approach your applications and the cloud whether you are in enterprise IT or a nice greenfield startup. Some of the concepts are available in other places but you will be hard-pressed to find a more concise ordered guide. The author also provides lots of references to other information throughout the chapters. Before you can decide on a cloud model, you need to determine what the ideal cloud service model is for your business.

The Enterprise Cloud

Best Practices for Transforming Legacy IT

by James Bond
Author James Bond provides useful guidance and best-practice checklists based on his field experience with real customers and cloud providers. You’ll view cloud services from the perspective of a consumer and as an owner/operator of an enterprise private or hybrid cloud, and learn valuable lessons from successful and less-than-successful organization use-case scenarios. This is the information every CIO needs in order to make the business and technical decisions to finally execute on their journey to cloud computing.

The Cloud Adoption Playbook

Proven Strategies for Transforming Your Organization with the Cloud

by Moe Abdula
There is a wealth of experience-based insights shared in this book. It thoroughly covers all aspects of cloud adoption including cloud strategy, technology, and organizational/cultural change. The book will be useful for organizations that are just starting out with cloud or that are looking to health check the status of their cloud adoption journey. I highly recommend this book.


The Business Value of Cloud Computing

by Joe Weinman
The author explores such a wide variety of cloud topics and does a fantastic job of explaining his thought processes to a reader of any level of technical background. Each chapter is self-contained so you can skip around to a specific topic that interests you the most without getting lost.

Transitioning the Enterprise to the Cloud

A Business Approach

by Edward Mahon
This book is about preparing an organization to move some or all of its projects to the cloud. It is targeted at managers who have decision-making authority as a tool to help them make the right decisions for their organization. The book suggests that a company planning to move to the cloud must first have a strategy. It must assess the risks involved in each operation it will move to the cloud, compared to the anticipated value received from that change. And it should progress slowly, in steps, rather than in one huge move.

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