213 Unstructured data, as opposed to structured data, is typically the kind of data that doesn’t need the performance of a relational database, said Scality CEO Jerome Lecat in a recent interview on Regalix TV. Rather, it’s the kind of data like surveillance video, media video, medical ultrasounds, X-ray imaging, log, big data, or data from the Internet of Things (IoT). This allows companies to take advantage of the scalability of cloud storage options, said Lecat, making data storage more efficient, reliable, stable, performant, and cost efficient to store. Tech reporter Jessica Ly asked Lecat for some tips for US companies looking to enter and thrive in the European market, much like Lecat’s company has. “The first thing to recognize,” he said in response, “is that every country, every region is different … You need to pay attention to the culture.” Even in the US, regions are different. When looking to expand to any part of the world, Lecat said, you have to check the product market fit and the competitive landscape — not necessarily localization, but how a product fits into a local ecosystem. This fascinating interview ranges across these key takeaways, the importance of cloud storage across all areas of our culture, and Lecat’s own entrepreneurial experience over the years. Take a few minutes to watch the video, linked below, to feed your own learning about what it takes to create, manage, and grow a company like Scality. Watch Jerome Lecat’s interview here.