321 A Complex Task Turned Easy Running a software-defined-storage system with petabytes of data doesn’t have to be a complex task. Watch this in-depth demo of the new RING 7.4 Supervisor Management UI. The new intuitive look and feel for the Supervisor, as well as a new S3 Service Management Console and new Integrated Data Browser make a full scale-out storage system look like your desktop office suite. Created for existing users of Scality RING, Speciale gives a guided tour into the features and functionality of the Supervisor Management dashboard, the S3 Console, and the account admin view of the administrator Console. Navigating through the Supervisor Management, viewers are given an intimate top to bottom view of managing and monitoring the hardware all the way up to the software. A productive workflow With special mention of strategic partner Cisco, Speciale reinforces the commitment of Scality to ensuring the operation of the RING as super easy. Making it streamlined and as efficient, the Supervisor Management provides comprehensive monitoring of all aspects of the system. Here are a few of the dashboard updates to watch for in the video: If you have multiple geographic locations in a multi-site deployment, the Supervisor Management show you that. If any of them have an abnormal status, instead of showing up as green they would be indicated with a red color. On the performance tab, see things like <strong>trending key performance indicators</strong>. Notice that KPIs are available at all levels in the system. See it at the server level and view load average, CPU memory and how much swap space is being used. And you can look at this in various different time periods. Get more information about capacity utilization and forecasting information at the RING level. In the video demo, the RING has just over one Petabyte of physical capacity in it with about 25% currently in use. Based on a current rate of 117 terabytes per month, in about 189 days, or six months, the system will be at about 80% utilization, ready for a next capacity upgrade and giving an indication on when to order the next set of Cisco servers.