262 Two golden arches. That bitten apple. A swoosh. Logos are shorthand for some of the most iconic global brands. You know who they are and what they stand for, just by looking at them. Ours isn’t the result of typical agency groupthink — Scality wanted something more. For the founders, the company’s ethos would be present in visual form and symbolize the goal of giving freedom and control to people who create value with data. The idea, encapsulated in a simple visual form, would fuel the direction of the company. The design brief was deceptively simple:, create a visual trademark representing our principle tenets. Tenet 1: Customers For Scality, the customer truly comes first. The first element of the logo represented our commitment to serving the customer. Asking the question, what do our customers need today and tomorrow. See how our customers have responded to our services. Tenet 2: Partners The strength of our brand is our family and our partners, with whom, we strive to collaborate in developing products that complement and empower them to produce optimum performance from their products. Tenet 3: Shareholders Our commitment to respecting the confidence our shareholders have in our future is a constant reminder that we are here to service the interests of their investment. Tenet 4: Employees The physical, emotional and professional health of Scality staff is paramount. Enormous internal energy is focused on how we live and work together. Making sure that every member of the company feels nurtured and encouraged to be the best both in and out of the office. Tenet 5: Social Responsibility Social inclusion, diversity and the environment are central to how Scality sees its role in society. Our commitment to making the world a better place is not just an idea. We actively encourage members to get involved in issues and support their actions. Tenet 6: Technology We are not led by technology so much as leading the way in technology. Our award-winning advancements in multi and hybrid cloud is a cardinal point of what we do best, and this was to be the final tenet reflected in our brand. So, next time you see the Scality logo, remember that it’s more than a burst of color and energy. It represents our dedication to serving customer needs at its core, while empowering everyone who works here to strive for a quality of life, career and camaraderie. Discover Our Logo